
Smart Automation Leader - DrimSys

Smart Factory


DrimSys provides DrimIoT and DrimJUMP solutions in order to establish IoT-based smart factory through the expansion of our hold on information about every device within the factory (sensor, equipment, system).

DrimJUMP offers data collection and saving, equipment control, disorder sensing, equipment analysis, and equipment operation and collaboration systems.
Also, DrimIoT easily establishes every device (sensor, equipment, system) interface of heterogeneous multiple protocols only with modeling without programming and facilitates its availability based on IoT in various upper applications


  • Provide a factory operation control system
  • Provide a factory operation disorder sensing feature.
  • Provide a disorder sensing control feature.
  • Provide the current status of the equipment operate rate.
  • Provide a factory operation collaboration feature.
  • Provide a factory modeling feature.
  • Provide every statistics and report feature.
  • Collect data easily from every device (sensor, equipment, system) using a modeling feature without programming.
  • Standardize a method of data collection by every device.
  • Easy to set up and maintain.

Related Product * Click the image below to a detailed page.


  • Samsung Electronics Onyang 3Line DrimJUMP 1.0 (before, DrimIDCe) Establishment
  • Samsung Electronics Onyang 4Line DrimJUMP 1.0 (before, DrimIDCe) Establishment
  • Samsung Electronics Cheonan 5Line DrimJUMP 1.0 (before, DrimIDCe) Establishment

Application Client

  • Samsung Electronics